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Ecdysis Grows the 1,000 Farms Initiative

Ecdysis Foundation is in year 3 of one of the most ambitious agroecology experiment ever conducted, researching regenerative systems across North America. Find out more information about the project, how to get involved, and how to help below. 


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Do you have a farm or ranch that you are interested in participating in our research? We look forward to hearing from you! 


What is 1000 Farms? 

To save our place on this planet, we must change our food system. Regenerative practices are implemented at the level of individual farms, but the solutions and their delivery need to reach growers and be implemented on a continental level. The 1000 Farms Initiative has already collected data from over 737 farms in 2022 and 2023 alone, and is poised another 500 in 2024. The information gathered at this scale is unprecedented and desperately needed. That is why we have embarked on the 1000 Farms Initiative. 


The 1000 Farms Initiative generates full site inventories in various stages of regenerative adoption. We are analyzing key factors to show producers the health of their land, how their land compares with others, and how to incorporate regenerative methods into their agricultural production in order to disseminate these farm-level results back to the farmers and agricultural communities to inspire change.


Our research balances tried-and-true approaches with new techniques that advance and scale the science on ecosystem monitoring. Measurements quantify: 

  • Soil chemical and physical properties, including soil carbon

  • Soil microbiology

  • Water dynamics

  • Plant communities, diversity and biomass

  • Invertebrate diversity and distribution

  • Bird abundance, diversity and habitat use

  • Pests, both plant pathogens and insect pests

  • Yields and nutrient analyses

  • Economics and net profitability


Ecdysis Foundation is uniquely able to successfully complete this initiative. We have been developing new technologies, procedures and partnerships that are strategized to generate, analyze, interpret and share an overwhelming amount of farm- and landscape-level data. We practice relationship-intensive science. We want to meet the farmers, shake their hand, and learn about what makes their farm special. We need farmers, and we need both financial and community support to complete this powerful mission. Visit our website to sign up your farm, support the project, or find out how to be a part of this exciting research. 

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Ecdysis Team in the Field

Our hard-working team collects data and field samples rain or shine, in every sort of challenging weather and soil condition. Meanwhile, their high spirits have brought hope to our farmers and leadership both. We are grateful for such a fun, determined and inspirational team!
2023 highlights at a glance
-423 farms with full system assessments (total farms visited 453)
- 19 states and 2 Canadian provinces from CA to VT
- 6 field days

Totals from the first two field seasons of the 1000 Farms Initiative: 737 full system assessments on farms across North America, and 842 farms visited!!


1000 Farms Initiative, 2023 

In Images

Be a part of the change

This research is an extraordinary undertaking with staff and resources, but we want to ensure this research is free for the farmers who participate. Any support for the work is appreciated and contributes directly to our mission! 

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